
Delusional Unemployed Man Remains Hopeful for His Future

“I’m just planning on winning the lottery,” he says despite not having bought a ticket.

There’s nothing like a feel-good, inspirational story to start off your week. Things are tough out there, but this unemployed man is making the best of it!

After submitting hundreds of job applications and nothing but silence and the occasional rejection in return, Samuel West is magnificently still keeping a smile on his face.

How? He feels deeply in his soul that he is going to win the lottery one day.

Many people have warned him that this positive line of thinking leans more towards insanity, but Samual doesn’t let the naysayers bring him down. Shockingly, he admits he hasn’t even purchased a lottery ticket yet.

“God will provide me with the ticket when my time has come,” he says.

Until then, Samuel is currently battling crippling debt. However, he sees this as an opportunity.

“Anything below zero is basically the same number. So my bank account can really only go up from here!” He explains. “The world is my oyster and I can’t wait to cook it.”

Though his methods are questionable, his attitude is undoubtedly inspiring. We asked him how he stays so optimistic, and he replied with this beautiful poem:

Sunshine, sunshine, I see it in the sky

My oh my, I am such a lucky guy

The birds and clouds, they bless me from above

Jesus shines his light on me and showers me in love

My bills unpaid, my checks all bounce

But one day like a puma, to success I will pounce

Samuel, you are a true inspiration. An unemployed man with no money, but a heart of gold. Your poem is stunning, and I know it will touch the hearts of all of our readers.

Cheers to you, Samuel. May we all pounce into success one day!