
Woman Who Started Making Her Bed Every Day Shocked to See Her Life Get Worse

“They Lied.”

We’ve all heard it before: getting in the habit of making your bed each morning will kickstart your healthy habits and ultimately push you towards a better, more successful life. For this woman, that just wasn’t the case. Making her bed every day ruined her life.

Linda Meyer, a 27-year-old former Marketing Specialist, was recently fired from her job and now struggles to make her monthly payments. Just weeks before being let go, her boyfriend cheated on her, and her dog ran away. And to top it all off? She’s now balding from the stress of her disastrous life.

Interestingly enough, Linda blames this series of unfortunate events on a simple habit widely praised for its positive impacts.

“Everything was fine until I started making my bed in the morning” she tells us. “My friend told me it might help me feel more put together, but then everything fell apart.”

Like clockwork, everything good in Linda’s life began to disappear when she started making her bed. First the boyfriend, then her dog, and eventually her job which she had been at for almost seven years. By the time she realized how destructive making her bed had become, it was already too late.

Linda is now using her newfound free time to act as a voice for the unheard. She wants to protect other potential victims by sharing her story and letting people know the negative consequences of these so called “healthy habits”.

“If I can prevent even one person from making their bed, maybe this will all have been worth it.”