As an avid weed smoker of more than five years, Jonas refused to give up when his daily smoke sessions began to cause more terror than tranquility. Rather than feeling relaxed and euphoric while chowing down on a big bowl of chips and ice cream, Jonas’ highs instead caused his heart to race with anxiety as his mind flooded with the thought of all his internal organs blowing up inside of him. As if that weren’t bad enough, the hallucinations quickly followed.
“They didn’t start off too bad,” says Jonas. “I would see spiders crawling all over my body. Sometimes Bloody Mary would show up in my bathroom mirror”. Despite these troubling visions, Jonas was committed to pushing through and trying again each day.
Time and time again, he tried and failed to obtain a pleasant high. Instead of laughing at his favorite show, he was obsessively checking his pulse and looking out the window to see if someone was watching him.
And then Big Bird showed up.
“The first time I saw him, I locked myself in the bathroom for the rest of the right. I fell asleep sobbing on the floor,” Jonas tells us. “When he came back the next three times that I smoked, I knew I had to be done for good. I couldn’t do it anymore”.
Now, four months sober, Jonas shares the positive take aways from this harrowing experience. “In a way, I’m almost glad that Big Bird came to haunt me. If it weren’t for him, I’d probably still be addicted to weed”.
We thank Jonas for sharing his story with us, and we wish him the best of luck with his sobriety.