
Anxious Driver Horrified to See Other Cars on the Road

For an anxious driver, one of the worst things to see while on the road is other cars. Why are you here? Where are you going? Did someone just honk at me? So many questions, so much to fear.

I often find myself worrying so much about what the cars around me are thinking that it becomes even more challenging to focus on my own driving, a task I already tend to struggle with.

One of the most anxiety inducing actions that another car can do is follow me too closely. I can tell they want me to go faster, but I cannot bring myself to go over the speed limit. When a passing lane comes about, they speed by in a fury and even sometimes honk at me. It hurts my feelings and occasionally I cry, but I will not be bullied into driving recklessly.

A similar terror floods my body when I have the opportunity to turn right on red. I wish this wasn’t allowed because I never fully believe I have a clear opportunity to go, and this makes the cars behind me very angry. I take my time, and they are very impatient. They hate me so much and they yell mean things out their window.

I try to be brave, but it is so scary out there. The cars move so fast and the lanes are always trying to trick you. One minute everything is fine and suddenly you’re in a right turn only lane and no one will let you over.

If a genie granted me three wishes, I would first ask for the other cars on the road to be nicer to me. For them to put themselves in the shoes of an anxious driver and experience empathy. But the genie would tell me this isn’t possible. He would laugh at my foolishness and take away the rest of my wishes for being so stupid.

Each drive is a battle in the never ending war of transportation.