
Not in the Path of the Solar Eclipse? Try Slowly Closing Your Eyes

The solar eclipse is officially underway in North America, and spectators from around the world are gathering to see this magnificent event take place. Hailed as a once in a lifetime opportunity that has somehow happened twice in the past 8 years, eclipse fanatics who are unable to travel to the path of totality may be feeling left out. Luckily, experts have revealed a simple trick to experience the solar eclipse from anywhere in the world.

How to View the Solar Eclipse from Anywhere

The method is simple, yet commonly overlooked.

Step 1: Walk Outside

Many scientists suggest being in nature, but any location will work.

Step 2: Slowly Close Your Eyes

While outside, slowly close your eyes and begin looking around at your surroundings. This will emulate the effect of the moon covering the sun.

Step 3: Keep Your Eyes Closed Momentarily

Here’s the tricky part. Once your eyes are closed, don’t open them right away! Keep them closed for a few moments to experience what it is like for the moon to completely block the sun.

Step 4: Slowly Open Your Eyes

Once you’ve felt the power of simulating a total solar eclipse, you can begin to slowly open your eyes. The moon is now pulling away from the sun, and soon you will see everything in bright light once again.

Ta-Da! You just experienced a solar eclipse from the comfort of your own backyard! For added effect, try tossing a piece of ice down your shirt once your eyes are closed. Things get a little chilly when the suns not out!

Happy eclipse viewing to all, we hope this how-to guide made your experience as special as can be!