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Supreme Court Votes to Approve Opening Your Neighbors’ Packages: “There’s nothing wrong with being a little nosy”

In an unprecedented unanimous vote from the famously divided Supreme Court on Wednesday, March 27th, members chose to support the right to open packages left outside of your neighbors’ doors.

“When I’m on a walk and I see a package, I have to know what’s inside,” reveals Justice Amy Coney Barrett. “I take a quick peek and then put it right back where I found it, as all Americans should”.

As news of this decision broke early Wednesday morning, social media users were simultaneously pleased by the passing of the law itself, and astonished by the Supreme Court’s united stance of bipartisanship.

“My mother called me for the first time in three years to celebrate the news,” reports an anonymous Twitter user. “It feels like things are finally getting better”.

Citizens across the country are joining hands and putting aside their differences to thank the Supreme Court for coming together to support such an important cause. In the hours since the news became public, gas prices have gone down, stocks have gone up, and early numbers reveal a decrease in diabetes and obesity cases as more Americans than ever are getting up and getting out to check out what their neighbors purchased from Amazon.